- - Real Clear Politics has a new poll that places Mike in a dead heat with Romney. Here's the link, but this is essentially the entire article anyway:
Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee have swapped spots on top of Fox News' latest test of the 2012 Republican presidential field.
2012 Primary Election Matchup
Romney 22 (+4 from May)
Huckabee 21 (+1)
Palin 17 (+4)
Giuliani 13 (+1)
Gingrich 9 (-5)
Jindal 3 (unch)
J. Bush 1 (-2)
Pawlenty 1
Sanford -- (-4)Ten percent said it was too soon to decide, while 2 percent were undecided.
The poll asked voters what would be the best job for Sarah Palin now that she's resigned. Among all voters, the top choice (32 percent) was homemaker; 17 percent said she should be a talk show host, 14 percent said vice president, while just 6 percent said president. Among Republican voters VP was the top choice at 27 percent, followed by homemaker (18 percent), talk show host (14 percent) and then president (12 percent).
The generic 2010 ballot test shows Democrats still ahead, though their numbers have slipped. If the election were held today, 43 percent would vote for a Democratic candidate, while 38 percent would pick the Republican -- a 5 point gap, down from a 12 point advantage in May. Congress' job approval rating has dropped 11 points to 30 percent, while 60 percent disapprove. The split was 41/49 in May.
The telephone survey was conducted July 21-22, with an overall sample of 900 registered voters and a +/- 3 percent margin of error. The Republican primary sample of 303 voters had a margin of error of +/- 6 percent.
After the jump, see some Fav/Unfav ratings for government figures.
Favorable Ratings
Obama 62 / 33
Democratic Party 50 / 41
Republican Party 36 / 53
Sotomayor 41 / 24
Pelosi 29 / 47
Palin 38 / 51
So there you have it, from Real Clear Politics. It just solidifies the fact that this could quickly turn into a 2-dog race. It feels as if two incumbents are running with Jindal, Pawlenty, Gingrich and the others just nipping at their heels. I think this is good news for Mike, as it should be easy to tear apart Mitt's record.
-"Blue Dogs" vote pivotal in Health Care Reform.
-I wonder, with Mike being better known this time around, if he'll receive any big(ger) endorsements. Of course, he had Chuck Norris last time. I wonder who he'll get this time? How awesome would it be to get Rick Warren?
-Last, I don't agree with everything that comes out of Mike's mouth. I support him because he is the type of man who can lead us through great and tough times. He reminds me of Ronald Reagan, which is why I long for 2012 to reach. Leave me a comment to why you support Mike.
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