It's come to my attention that "conservatism" is dead. The Liberal Media, also known as "The Media minus Fox News", has led the charge to buy a nice casket, set visitation and funeral times and put the GOP away. Headlining the obituary: "The GOP has died because they are too conservative and unable to change with the times. The GOP also suffered from lack of leadership." According to just about everything you and I will read or hear on a daily basis will cover either the dominance of the democrats or the death of conservatism.
Ironically, it is the MEDIA that proves to me that conservatism not only has a pulse, but is running around all over the place and gearing up for a battle in 2012. According to the recent Nielsen Ratings, Fox News flexes its muscles. For Sunday, May 24th, Fox News cleaned up house by taking 719 total viewers compared to CNN at 389 and MSNBC at 344. During prime-time it was more of the same with Fox News at 1019, CNN at 515 and MSNBC at 427.
This means, of course (for all who've had elementary school math), that not only did Fox News destroy the other stations, but beat the other major 2 COMBINED. Yet conservatism is dead? But there's even better news. Huckabee was by far the most popular show on, and joined Fox News Sunday and Geraldo as the only ones reaching 1,000 viewers. Here's a little chart for you:
Total Viewers: (L +SD)
Total day: FNC: 719 | CNN: 389 | MSNBC: 344 | HLN: 259
Prime: FNC: 1019 | CNN: 515 | MSNBC: 427 | HLN: 376
5p: 6p: 7p: 8p: 9p: 10p: 11p: FNC NewsHQ: FNSunday: Report: Huckabee: Madoff: Geraldo: Huckabee: 760 1034 972 1035 930 1091 619 CNN Zakaria: Newsroom: Newsroom: StateOf: King: Newsroom: News/State: 286 344 383 305 694 546 503/327 MSNBC MTP: Special: Special: Special: Special: Special: Special: 237 195 300 464 446 372 440 HLN HLN: Prime: Issues: Grace: Issues: Grace: Showbiz: 276 225 362 445 355 364 277
Next, do we lack leadership? Honestly, yes, we probably do. There is no glaring leader for the GOP, as Steele is the only one in that position and he's not grasping that role. The leader of the 2012 Republican polls right now, Mike Huckabee, is more in a position of movie star than GOP leader.
That being said, would I change the fact that we don't have a clear cut leader? No. Though we don't have one big guy at the top, the GOP has plenty of able politicians all over the place willing to stand up and fight for conservative values. As long as a leader emerges by 2012, there's really no rush. Until that time, I will continue to back the Party and not just one particular person.
The Republicans have some very strong candidates for 2012, including Mike Huckabee, who is becoming extremely popular through his Fox News TV Show and his Radio Program.
Don't look now, but I think the GOP is rising from the grave.
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