Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ok, so does this story not scare anyone else like it does me? A couple strolls into the White House and is able to meet the President and half of Congress and...they weren't invited? This is a major breakdown in Secret Service security and is inexcusable. We were lucky. This time it was a harmless couple looking for a little fun. What if next time it's a crazed terrorist looking to snap the President's neck?

Well the doors to the White House are open to that now, it appears. I know the White House is the people's house, but we've got to have tighter security than this.

That being said, what an impressive Facebook album these two will have no. A White House Dinners with pictures with the President, Vice President, Chief of Staff Rham Emmanuel, and numerous congressman. Pretty cool. If you ask me, it was worth it. I'm not sure how much time they will serve, but they lived the dream for a night in exchange for a few nights in jail--worth it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm Back!

After a little layoff (ok a long layoff), I'll be blogging some again. To start it up....

Visit Huck's Army to see Mike's interview with Katie Couric. It's a good one.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Frontrunners

I've already covered the lightweights, so here are the favorites:

Newt Gingrich- He's a familiar face in unfamiliar times. I think he's going to pick up Palin supporters as her support drops. He's very smart and very capable. He will perform well in debates and has a record of fighting democrats. However due to that, he hurts his bi-partisan appeal and people know, if Gingrich is in the White House it will be politics as usual. He will be in the race until the end but ultimately will hope to get a VP spot, which is not that unlikely. Chances of winning: 11%

Tim Pawlenty- Pawlenty has recently become very popular, and people consider him a strong candidate in 2012. He speaks like a fair-minded conservative and comes from an important state in Minnesota, that usually swings democrat. He's going to be a tough out and could rob Palin and Huckabee of votes, but likely will not have enough support to win. He's another who could easily find himself in a VP spot and possibly another run in 2016. Chances of Winning: 15%

Mitt Romney- Easily could be considered the most popular man in the race. It's basically a wash between him and Mike Huckabee. Mitt has performed well in the polls. Mitt's done a little better than Mike at fundraising (a lot better, actually) but lacks the popularity and grassroots support Mike has. Mitt is probably considered the frontrunner right now, but I think he's too generic a candidate to win. He wins if Jindal, Huckabee and Palin perform badly and it falls to him. But if one can take this race by the reigns, he has no chance. Chances of Winning: 25%

Mike Huckabee- He's splitting time atop the 2012 polls with Mitt Romney, but not among the favorables. He's easily the most popular candidate. Right now, it's a toss up to who you would consider the "favorite" in the 2012 race. Although he has popularity and grassroots support (such as Huck's Army), he lacks in fundraising. His TV show has been very good for him, spreading his name among conservatives. His recent hosting of the O Reilly Factor has really helped as well. Right now, I think you have to consider it a "Romney-lean" as to who the frontrunner is for the sole reason that he can raise money. But if you consider that Mike looks very good in the all important Iowa caucus, he could have momentum (and money) swing his way right off the bat. Chances of Winning: 25%

One thing is clear: it's going to be a dog fight in the GOP field in 2012. With many fresh faces and many familiar ones, anyone could come out and win in this field. Although we have 2 men leading the pack now, there are many popular men (and women) in the middle and bottom of the pack who could make some serious noise....and possibly even win.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Competition

On a rather slow day in news (just a Supreme Court vote, two prominent baseball players testing positive  for steroids and a keg at the White House), I'm going to take a creative look at the GOP field for 2012, including Mike and his competition. They come in ascending order of best chance of winning. 

The Lightweights (Yes Sarah Palin is a lightweight) And let's be clear, it's not that these candidates have no chance of winning, just that they aren't in the front of the pack and that, as of now, I don't see them competing seriously in 2012. However, anything can happen in the world of politics. 

Jeb Bush- Surely Republicans won't elect another Bush, right? Maybe not. It's likely without his brother being extremely unpopular he would be the frontrunner. He's smart and very popular in his home state of Florida. Not to mention a candidate essentially being guaranteed Florida would be very hard to beat. So far, "Dubya's" little brother has performed abysmal in the polls. As in under 5%. That being said, don't be surprised at all if those numbers take a steep incline as we climb closer to 2012. However, I think his brother's tarnished name will be too much to overcome. Though his electoral math will look better than his nationwide polling, he won't have enough support to make a serious run at the office. Although don't be surprised if a more serious run comes in 2016. Chances of winning: 3%

Charlie Crist- Another Republican from Florida, he's becoming a champion of bi-partisanism. He is very popular among moderates and again, from a great state for being elected. Although I think he could have a nice following, I'd be surprised if his numbers ever reached double digits. Not to mention, he still has to overcome the conservative Marco Rubio for the Florida Senate seat, which some polls have Rubio neck and neck. If he does beat Rubio, he might have enough support to get into the debate of GOP 2012 Candidates. If not, game over. Chances of winning: 5%

Bobby Jindal- Although relatively unknown now, he could be a household name by 2012. If an unknown were to come out and win, I think Jindal is it. He's popular among conservatives and has appeal to moderates. I wouldn't be surprised if he finishes above Sarah Palin. (in fact, I might be surprised if he doesn't). Right now, Jindal's biggest problem is his recognition. If he can get his name out, he could be a force. Chances of Winning: 10%

Sarah Palin- After much debate, I decided to put Palin below Pawlenty and Gingrich. Although I've always liked her appeal and her fair-mindedness, she is as unpopular as she is popular. Almost everyone has made their minds up about her, and it's more bad than good. She was very popular among Conservatives, but that took a shot with her new "bi-partisan kick" and her promise to campaign for democrats. She's a very interesting political figure, but will not be strong enough to compete in 2012. Chances of Winning: 14%

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Polls, Polls, Polls

Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee have swapped spots on top of Fox News' latest test of the 2012 Republican presidential field.

2012 Primary Election Matchup
Romney 22 (+4 from May)
Huckabee 21 (+1)
Palin 17 (+4)
Giuliani 13 (+1)
Gingrich 9 (-5)
Jindal 3 (unch)
J. Bush 1 (-2)
Pawlenty 1 
Sanford -- (-4)

Ten percent said it was too soon to decide, while 2 percent were undecided.

The poll asked voters what would be the best job for Sarah Palin now that she's resigned. Among all voters, the top choice (32 percent) was homemaker; 17 percent said she should be a talk show host, 14 percent said vice president, while just 6 percent said president. Among Republican voters VP was the top choice at 27 percent, followed by homemaker (18 percent), talk show host (14 percent) and then president (12 percent).

The generic 2010 ballot test shows Democrats still ahead, though their numbers have slipped. If the election were held today, 43 percent would vote for a Democratic candidate, while 38 percent would pick the Republican -- a 5 point gap, down from a 12 point advantage in May. Congress' job approval rating has dropped 11 points to 30 percent, while 60 percent disapprove. The split was 41/49 in May.

The telephone survey was conducted July 21-22, with an overall sample of 900 registered voters and a +/- 3 percent margin of error. The Republican primary sample of 303 voters had a margin of error of +/- 6 percent.

After the jump, see some Fav/Unfav ratings for government figures.

Favorable Ratings
Obama 62 / 33
Democratic Party 50 / 41
Republican Party 36 / 53
Sotomayor 41 / 24
Pelosi 29 / 47
Palin 38 / 51

So there you have it, from Real Clear Politics. It just solidifies the fact that this could quickly turn into a 2-dog race. It feels as if two incumbents are running with Jindal, Pawlenty, Gingrich and the others just nipping at their heels. I think this is good news for Mike, as it should be easy to tear apart Mitt's record. 

-"Blue Dogs" vote pivotal in Health Care Reform.

-I wonder, with Mike being better known this time around, if he'll receive any big(ger) endorsements. Of course, he had Chuck Norris last time. I wonder who he'll get this time? How awesome would it be to get Rick Warren? 

-Last, I don't agree with everything that comes out of Mike's mouth. I support him because he is the type of man who can lead us through great and tough times. He reminds me of Ronald Reagan, which is why I long for 2012 to reach. Leave me a comment to why you support Mike. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sotomayor confirmed by committee. I stand by my previous post: don't fight this. There are other fights worth fighting but not this.

The important thing? Another example that President Obama is far from "bi-partisan". All but one yay vote (Lindsey Graham, SC) was from a democrat.

Sotomayor, The Huck Man and Funny People

-As I'm writing this, the honorable Judge Sonia Sotomayor is in the process of being confirmed. It should go down without a fight. As a conservative, I will note that I, for one, will choose not to care about this today. Sotomayor, as controversial as she's been, is a very qualified Judge who I believe will be fair. We have to pick our fights, and this is not one of them. She's going to be confirmed anyway, so why fight it? Especially with the growing population of hispanics that are beginning to make up a decent chunk of the electorate.  Let's use our resources to fight deficit spending and healthcare reform, not this. 

-The Huck Man (my new nickname for Mike Huckabee....because, you know, we're practically best friends. I mean, I shook his hand at a book-signing) is still "flying under the radar", apparently. This, for reasons I can't even fathom. What else can the man too? He's been the most popular candidate in the polls (Fox, CNN, Washington Post, etc.) by FAR. He's also been leading or one point off the top in every poll I've seen including many other GOP Internet polls. Yet for some reason, he slips pollsters minds while they are polling for Mitt and Palin. (They might as well test Jeb Bush and Ron Paul as well. Let's just forget the frontrunner, eh?)

-As I was watching Al Franken deliver his Sotomayor love letter in the hearings today, I just thought, "What is he doing in public office?" He looks, and acts, like he should be in the cast of "Funny People", not in the US Congress. But there he sits. 

-Halfway through Glenn Beck's "Common Sense". Beck is very cynical and a little loud (much like his show), but brings up some excellent points. One thing you find out about Glenn very fast is, although he is a big-conservative, he's not a big-republican. He equally hates all politicians. Although his book, thus far, is at times cynical and pessimistic, it should be read by all Americans, regardless of political affiliation. I think democrats would be surprised to hear that Bush takes more shots than Obama in this book. 



Is anyone else tired of the day-to-day soap opera that unfolds on every major news network, highlighting Michael Jackson's death? Ok, he died. It's sad, and I expect it to be reported. His funeral is a big deal, and I don't mind hearing about that. It's a homicide? Ok, interesting. But do I really want a line-by-line reading of his will or a daily account of his doctors? NO! It's getting out of hand. GET IT TOGETHER, PEOPLE!! There are still important events happening, like, gee....I don't know, the confirmation of a Judge to the Bench! Or how about America's gradual path to SOCIALISM! Pull yourselves together. 

-Michael Vick is back to the NFL. Sad story....

-Can we (and by We, I mean the people) STOP asking to see President Obama's birth certificate? Nobody likes a sore loser. The man's American. And guess what? HE'S CHRISTIAN!! Because he has dark skin and a funny name we now can't believe he's an American? We can do better than that. 


After a short layoff, I've decided to continue blogging. Except I'll be changing my format. Hope you enjoy, and please leave comments!

-Mike Huckabee substituted for Bill O' Reilly on Friday on the "O' Reilly Factor." Apparently, the folks over at "the Factor" must have thought Mike did well enough the first time to ask him on again. Maybe Mike will become Bill's stand-in? Either way, the "Huckabee Factor" cleaned up shop outperforming all other major news stations at that time. (Mike should be used to that)

-Mike wins a poll for te 2012 Republican Nomination....AGAIN!! Except this time, he beat Romney by a cool 5 points, outside the margin. He was also able to defeat Palin even worse. This all from the Washington Post. He also won in the favorables, where he was again most popular among GOP candidates and polling better than Obama. Yet despite all this, Raumussen Polls continue to leave him out of their polling for 2012, for reasons beyond any understanding. For this reason, they are now on my new list, the "Axis of Evil", which also includes Rahm Emmanuel, Barney Frank and that Paris idiot who bashed Carrie Prejean. (while I'm on that subject, Carrie, will you marry me?)

-In other news, I hope to bring you more of an "inside scoop" in the upcoming years. I'm doing my best to work for a 2010 race (Matt Lockett in Kentucky 6th) a and a 2012 race (Mike Huckabee). If so, I will keep everyone updated on day-to-day events. We'll see!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Who I like in 2010

I've been all about 2012 ever since President Obama was sworn into office. Putting Mike Huckabee in the White House has become my #1 goal. However, the 2010 elections are quickly approaching. As we've seen in multiple votes already this year, it's becoming increasingly important to have representatives in Congress that will share our values and opinions on issues. Here's a few that we can start with.

Remember, regardless of whether or not you live in their home state or not, join these great men's causes and help them get elected. Getting men like these elected all over the country is becoming increasingly important. Once you join, please take a couple seconds to invite your friends, as it's very easy. 

Matt Lockett, Kentucky 6th

The similarities I see in Matt and Mike Huckabee just keep coming. He is an ordained baptist minister and firmly believes in less government, strongly against bailouts and massive amounts of government spending, and a strong defender in the sanctity of human life. Matt is a great man who's got a great future in public service. You can join Matt's cause here:

Rex Rice, South Carolina

Rex is truly a down to earth guy. It's been a joy to have had multiple conversations with him already. Much like Mike, he's very conservative on just about every issue. Rex considers himself "The Fair Tax Congressman" and is a very strong supporter of it. Please help him out in his run to the White House:

Marco Rubio, U.S. Sen
ate in Florida 

Marco truly has a 
bright future ahead. Someday, he will lead a powerful Republican Party. I encourage you to watch a video of him, because he is very, very impressive, and hard not to like. It's obvious he's very smart and very capable of being elected to the Senate. He's already received an official endorsement from Huck Pac. His conservative values and his "it" factor make him an attractive candidate for 2010. 

These are just a few of many who need all of our help. Please, if nothing else, join their facebook pages and invite your friends (simply by clicking the "Suggest to Friends" tab under their picture then clicking "select all"). This will go along way in spreading the word and getting true conservatives elected in 2010, and really beginning to make a difference. 

Monday, June 22, 2009

Homosexuals mad? UNBORN CHILDREN should be ticked!!

An interesting thought flashed through my mind today-- homosexuals continue to fight vehemently for their rights through protest because they can't get "married." No one is stripping them of freedom or anything, just marriage. I won't divulge into the situation any further, because they should be standing up for what they believed and fighting for what they want. But how can we continue to even think about something as trivial as "civil unions vs. marriage" while the largest genocide in history is happening right under our noses? Unborn children have easily slipped into the most oppressed group of all time. 

Worldwide, over 42 million abortions are performed each year. Let that number sink in for a moment. Furthermore, 1.30 million are performed in the US each year. That number totals more than the number of soldiers killed in the Civil War, WW 1, WW 2 the Revolutionary War and the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812....combined!! (as if that wasn't enough, the total loss of American lives in those wars equals roughly half of the number of abortions performed in the US each year. Shocking, I know.) Talked about an oppressed people. Possibly even wilder, approximately 22% of ALL PREGNANCIES END IN ABORTION!! (I'm not talking just unplanned pregnancy, but ALL pregnancies)

Ok, ok, I'll stop boring you with statistics. Everyone knows the horrendous amount of abortions being done. Let's get into the meat of the argument. Want a bold statement? How's this: I'm going to lay out 3 simple points to prove President Obama wrong on abortion. But not just President Obama, but everyone who is for the infamous "woman's right to choose." 

1) These are children, not tissue. And the reason I know that they are is that our Judicial system says they are. Often times, when a pregnant mother is murdered, the murderer will receive a "double murder." He gets one for the mother and one for the baby (the unborn baby). This is called "fetal homicide". Cases like these, sadly, are common. Mother's even receive a homicide ruling when killing their own child with a knife or poison, getting the same life sentence if that mother would have shot her brother. 

Along those lines, another interesting point was brought up by my friend, David Schmidt, in a video he made. (which you can watch here: Even President Obama agrees-- the unborn baby is considered a child! If him and his administration are "strongly discouraging" abortions, they obviously agree that it is morally wrong. So what's so morally wrong about "killing" a blob of tissue? Nothing. They believe it's morally wrong, because they know that it's life. And that's point #1. 

2) The taking of innocent life is murder. Now we see that an unborn baby or a "fetus" is life. Hence being "pro-life" or "pro-choice" (who doesn't like life?). In other words, a fetus is no different than a two-year-old child. These babies did absolutely nothing wrong, yet they are being wiped out at an alarmingly high rate. It's difficult to sit back watch, as millions of future firemen, lawyers, doctors and yes, even Presidents, are being annihilated. The phrase that's often put in defense of abortion is that a woman should have a right to choose. How naive! A right to choose whether a child lives or dies? What if their baby comes out and they decide they don't like him? Can they just kill it? The woman doesn't have a right to choose who lives or dies!! And let me pose this- the man played a fairly important part in making the CHILD, do they have no say? Where is the man's right to choose? I know the baby is in the woman's body, but it doesn't make it any more "hers". And furthermore, what's so wrong with putting it up for adoption. There are millions of parents out there who can't even have kids. How tragic that we are killing off millions that could be potentially theirs. 

3) Therefore, abortion is murder. It's a taking of the child's life. In the rare case that the child could cause the woman's life, then the doctor should exhaust every possible option to try and save them both. Then I would say, yes, do what it takes to save the mother. Just like any taking of life, sometimes there are stipulations. Such as a trespasser being shot, which is legal. People bring up cases such as rape (although these cases are extremely rare. Like..... low single digits rare). Cases of rape should be no different. It doesn't make the child any less important. Put the child up for adoption if you choose not to raise it. The killing of unborn life (abortion) is murder. 

All that just goes to show how blind and foolish our government can be. This, not homosexuality or racism or religious persecution, will go down in history as the worst violation of civil rights of all time. A genocide that doesn't touch the likes of the holocaust. It's sad to see, not as a conservative or a Christian, but a fellow human being, these children, futures as bright as each one who's lucky enough to make it, getting wiped out. 

This is an issue that shouldn't be taken lightly and shouldn't be pushed to the side. Yet for some reason, it does. We've intervened in genocides before, but I guess this shows our selfish intentions. This time, we aren't threatened by a take over of world domination because WE are the ones doing it. I hope, and pray, that these children will be saved. The current administration has not and probably wont, do enough to stop this horrific violence. We should stand against it and elect someone with the guts to do it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Book Review Showdown

What Actually Happened- By: Scott McClellan 

Although former Press Secretary Scott McClellan used to work for the Bush White House, the book is anything but kind to the administration. However, McClellan is very fair in his assessment. The main thesis of the book is, although it began with hope and optimism and a bright future, the Bush White House fell into the same lull of the "permanent campaign" like many administrations before it. McClellan never attacks any of Bush or any of his advisors personally, but underlines their mistakes (as well as his own) as the reasons for causing the permanent campaign. It's a great book to read and gives an insider's look into the Bush White House, bringing interesting stories and bringing the Bush advisors, such as Karl Rove, Karen Hughes and Andy Card, to life. 

Verdict: Read. 

A Matter of Character- Ronald Kessler 

A matter of character brings the positive side of things to the Bush White House. While lavishing praise on Bush and his staffers, it also attacks the Clinton's, as well as many other past presidents such as LBJ, for their character, or lack thereof. It highlights the way Bush never felt like he was above anyone, including the maids and cooks, and was a down to earth guy who never got the inflated head so common from the office. The book really shows how Bush restored character to the office after the mockery the Clinton's made of it. Interesting read, but really doesn't tell you more than you probably already knew- Clinton was a jerk, but Bush is the kind of guy you'd want to be friends with. 

Verdict: Skim 

Rankings (10 being best, 1 being worst)


What Actually Happened- 9.5
A Matter of Character- 6 

The Writing

What Actually Happened- 7
A Matter of Character- 8.5


What Actually Happened- 10
A Matter of Character- 9.5

Ease of Reading

What Actually Happened- 8
A Matter of Character- 9

Interesting Content

What Actually Happened- 9
A Matter of Character- 5.5


What Actually Happened- 9
A Matter of Character- 7.5


What Actually Happened- 52.5
A Matter of Character- 46

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Joke of the Day

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him,

"Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degree, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.

"She rolled her eyes and said, 'You must be a Republican.'"

"I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me." 

The man smiled and responded, "You must be an Obama Democrat." 

"I am," replied the balloonist. "How did you know?"

"Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are or where you are going. You've risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it's my fault."

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Permanent Campaign

"There's only two things that stop things from getting done in Washington: Money and Politics."

Fact: the men and women who travel through the many checkpoints and, eventually, into the most coveted office space in America (the West Wing), have more power to bring real change to the world than most everyone else will in a lifetime. 

Question: Why don't they?

Each election year, you hear about "changing Washington" (or something similar) from each politician more than you can stand. And it never fails, just as every year MLB analysts will pick the Cubs to win the World Series, that people buy into this idea of "changing politics in Washington.

The Cubs haven't won a World Series in 100 years....and counting. 

My problem with all of this, is the voters. It's US. Don't blame the politicians. They are doing what they do best--getting elected. They hire political strategist like Barack Obama has loony-left connections. The politicians do their part, and the same thing the politicians have always done-- they promise this, they promise that, then they do what they want. Who's stopping them? We certainly aren't. Since when did the criteria for being President become who was getting the most media attention or who was most attractive? Elections need to wind back a few hundred years to a precedent set by our founding fathers. A man was elected not by wealth or family, but on personal merit. Can we say the same about today? In an age where a Presidential election is a race for who can get the most TV time or say the right things, where is the love for the issues?

Politicians never stop running for office. Thus, my title, the "Permanent Campaign." It seems governing, the very thing they were elected to do, has been pushed aside. In a battle to sway public opinion and beat the other side, political advisors have become equally as important as the Secretary of State or the National Security Advisor. Politics is always in the way. Let me prove it to you.

Imagine with me, for a moment, that President Obama, after working out and preparing for the day, strolls into the Oval Office refreshed with a blessing of 6 hours of sleep. His advisors tell him he's needed for an urgent issue. The administrations "money people" have been crunching numbers and found that the best way to get out of this economic crisis would be to cut taxes and stop his spending immediately and admit their mistake. What do you think President Obama would do? Cut taxes? Heck No!! There's an election in three years, are you nuts!? How's he going to win the democratic base after cutting taxes? Let's say the "money people" even manage to convince the President that this is the right thing to do. Then the political people come rushing in and tell him what a bad idea that would be. Then begin to rollout the electoral landslide (in the democratic convention) waiting for him in 2012. Thus, the President of the United states will pass on an opportunity to make lives better for hundreds and thousands of Americans but chooses to pass due to political reasons. You'd be surprised at how often this happens. 

But it's not just democrats. It's both sides of the aisle. In fact, it's ALL parts of the aisle. Everyone is guilty. President Bush, as good a job as I thought he did, had Karl Rove as one of his top advisors. I like Rove, but he's purely a political man, and really should have little to do with the day-to-day governing. Not only that, but many, even from inside the Bush White House, say Rove was as influential voice in the White House as any. The Bush White House, like many, had merits and faults. Sadly, one of those faults, was falling victim to the permanent campaign. 

It's constant campaigning that stop REAL change from coming to Washington. As gloom a post as this is, there is real hope. Real change can come to Washington. It doesn't start with electing one candidate or the other, or backing this idea or that one. It starts with YOU. And me. And anyone else who votes. We should be holding all of our elected officials accountable. Candidates shouldn't be worried about politics and campaigns, because if they do what's right, we (the educated citizenry of the United States) will commend them for it. If they do not, they will pay the consequences. The American people are intelligent, and probably more so than they are given credit for. Yet they are either ignorant or choose to ignore the permanent campaigning going on directly beneath their noses, making them as much at fault (if not more) than the people elected they complain about every day. 

Politics shouldn't be about beating the other guy or winning the next elections, but getting into Washington, humbling oneself and saying "What can I do?" Are you telling me the clowns that make up what is known as the US Congress should be dubbed "Public Servants." I'm skeptical. But I think we can change that. By simply doing 3 things, you actually can change politics as usual: a) be informed, b) get involved and voice your opinion by calling your representative and telling how you feel on key issues, and c) if you feel a candidate has fallen victim to the permanent campaign, do not re-elect him or support him. I don't care how flashy his TV ads are. 

Our politicians and the voters should strive to live out what JFK said in his speech: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." If that happens, I can promise the world will be a much better place. 

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Time to turn it into "Huck Mode"

In 2008, Mike Huckabee was looked down upon as the “God-Candidate”. Maybe not so much looked down upon as counted out. Sure, he got questions in debates—about evolution. Sure, he got press coverage—when his Christmas ad showed a cross in the background. It seems like we never actually heard about the issues with Mike. Which is a shame. It was frustrating as a Huckabee fan that I was told I should “pick a real candidate” while being laughed at.

Only a year later….whose laughing now?

The tables have been drastically turned. Mike has turned into a “third party religious candidate” to frontrunner. Which is why I’m calling all Huckabee fans to click on “Huck Mode.” Defined by Webster’s dictionary, “Huck Mode” is: “1) an attitude of severe pride for Mike Huckabee, 2) a non-stop campaign for Huckabee or 3) being a true conservative with defined, useful ideas.”

I’m calling all Huckabee fans to turn on all three. Here’s how to do it.


According to CNN, Fox News and just about every internet poll in the world, Mike Huckabee is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination 2012.  It seems, barring a freak incident (aka, catastrophes), that it is inevitable that he will run again in 2012. He’s already begun to schedule Iowa events in the hopes that Iowans will again pick him as the republican nominee. This seems very likely. If he can win the state with little support or media attention, and very little money, then he can win it as the frontrunner.  This is a cause for pride.

One huge way to show that pride for Mike is through grassroots websites and groups for Mike. A great one is Huck’s Army. Be sure to visit the website or the facebook page and become a member of both. Huck’s Army even has a forum where you may go and discuss all things Mike Huckabee. Blogging for Mike is always good, as well as showing him a little love on social networking (facebook, twitter, etc.) is always useful as well. Even make a small donation (a large on works too) to Huck Pac and create an account with them as well. I can tell you that the more these groups grow, the stronger Mike looks, and becomes, with the upcoming elections in 2010 and 2012. This is vital if you want to see a conservative revolution in these years.

However, you joining is not enough. Be sure that your friends, co-workers, family members and total strangers that you meet on a day-to-day basis, are very aware of these sites as well. You’d be surprised at how fast a group can grow if each member took this mindset and accepted the group as it’s own and spread the word. I challenge you to find out.

Constant Campaigning

Want to become a Mike Huckabee spokesman? Guess what? Yes you can!! (sorry for the choice of words…) Whenever you talk about Mike to a friend, you have the ability to impact the way he votes. If you consider yourself a “Mike Huckabee fan”, you instantly become one of his (many) spokesman—each as important as the next. It’s very important that you familiarize yourself with Mike, his policies and his past, the good, bad and the ugly. You need to be able to tell the person who asks about your bumper sticker why it’s there and why Mike would benefit this country. You’ll also find the “haters”. These people could be anywhere from Romney fans to liberals, who will attack Mike and his former policies. (If you need a good reference point for this, check my blog archive. I’m sure you’ll find useful tools there.) You need to be able to tell these people the truth and support your opinion.

Now that you are on Mike’s communication staff, try your hand in advertisement staffing as well.  A “Mike Huckabee 2012” bumper sticker is VITAL right now. A t-shirt or two wouldn’t hurt either. I’ve also just ordered my “Mike Huckabee Signature Coffee mug” from  Different items like these are great conversations starters for you to tell people about Mike and spread the word about the many organizations (such as Huck’s Army) that you’re involved in, and to invite them too!


Conservative Ideals

If you’re reading this, then you more than likely agree with the spread of conservative ideals. You probably want less government and lower taxes. You are probably conservative on most social issues. Maybe you just like the Fair Tax. You don’t have to agree with all of Mike’s policies to like him. But I think all of us, regardless of whether or not we agree on each little form of policy, want to see real change in Washington and want to see it in the form of Mike Huckabee. We want to see it in the form of faith and character, as well as in the form of bringing real, positive change to all our lives. We can all agree on that.

I hope you’ll join me along with many others devoted to Huckabee’s cause in changing politics as usual and to start acting like a frontrunner. Instead of being satisfied with where we are, let’s build the strongest grassroots army the world of politics has ever seen and show Mike we are with him every step on the way. It doesn’t start in two or three years—it starts now! Now is when we turn on Huck mode and begin to spread the word. I hope you’ll join us.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Defending America

"Did you know that two thousand years ago a Roman citizen could walk across the face of the known world free of the fear of molestation. He could walk across the earth unharmed, cloaked only in the words 'Civis Romanis', I am a Roman citizen. So great was the retribution of Rome, universally understood as certain, should any harm befall even one of its citizens." 

-President Bartlett from "The West Wing" 

I am a West Wing addict. I do 3 things (other than essentials like eat, sleep, etc.) just about every day when possible: 1) Read my Bible 2) Workout and 3) Watch the West Wing. If you aren't an avid watcher now, I advise you to go buy Season 1 as soon as possible, as it's blend of drama, comedy and politics is unmatched by any show I have ever watch. The only thing that could possibly make it better was if it was a Republican White House. Of course, President Bartlett's administration is very liberal, which is why I disagree with much of the policy on the show. However I also disagree with the writings of Dan Brown, but it's still exceptional writing, which I appreciate. 

I bring this up because many times, the West Wing sometimes shapes how I think. The writers are very informed and knowledgeable. One such not-so-liberal instance was in the Episode from Season 1, a Proportional Response. A new President Bartlett and his staff are just settling in the White House. The President befriends Maurice Toliver (who's just recently become a father of a little boy and a like-able character) , an army doctor who gives the President regular medical checkups. Toliver's plane, while traveling to the Middle East for a routine mission, is shot down unprovoked. The President's staff advises him to use a "Proportional Response" by hitting a smaller target like an army building, which is usually deserted anyway, prepared for the attack. The President is furious, and demands a larger attack that won't look like they're "docking someone's allowance." 

It's funny how, despite having a Military that is unmatched by any ever to walk the earth, we still seem to be the target of bullying. Terrorists attacks or threats, whatever it is, it seems to be never ending. On September 11th, 2001, we were attacked by these criminals for hopefully the last time. Standing amongst the rubble of the World Trade Centers, President Bush stood with a Microphone and, after an on looker shouted "We Can't hear you!", he bellowed these words: "I can hear you. I can hear you, the rest of the world can hear you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon." The crowd burst out in applause and chants of "U-S-A! U-S-A!" George W. Bush didn't come back with a Proportional Response. The came back with the wrath of God, crippling the ones who did this horrible deed. 

I would consider myself a "Bush Fan". He made his mistakes and there are certainly things about his Presidency I would change. There are few President's who can say different. I do not believe he will go down in history as one of the greatest President's ever or one of the worst ever. His decision to invade Iraq will continue to be one of the most controversial ever made. Only time will tell if it was the right decision or not. If Iraq does continue improvement and does and becomes a democracy, then a job well done. If not, it will be a tragedy. However, few can deny that Bush restored lost dignity and respect to the White House and the Office of the President. He took out a dangerous tyrant despite overwhelmingly high public disapproval. He showed it was acceptable for his faith and policies to mix. He also did something which is rare in Washington: he did what he thought was right, not what he thought would be popular. 

War is never an easy thing. Putting the lives of young men and women in the middle of combat must be a taxing decision for any President. Yet, at times, we need it. Terrorism was one of the fastest growing trends around in 2001 and 2002, and American's were frightened at the thought of being attacked at any moment. This should never happen. America is the greatest country in the history of the world. Our military should strike a fear so great that not a soul would dare step on this soil with intent to harm. A "Proportional Response" is no good. In times like these, we should use the full force of the American military to wipe the floor with our enemies. 

Now let's be very clear. I'm not saying America should go to war every time a plane gets shot down. I'm saying that when we feel threatened or feel like our citizens are in danger, we should attack with all we got. It works much like a prison system should. As of now, prisons aren't nearly as tough as they should be. What do criminals have to be afraid of? A life without financial struggle? A life where they can relax, play basketball, lift weights and get an education? Prison isn't scary like it should be. Prison should be an awful place that frightens people outside it's walls so much, they wouldn't dare do anything that could lead there. It's the same idea for our military. If you show you strength and power and more importantly, show you aren't afraid to use it, attacking America won't be thought of lightly, if thought of at all. 

Americans, as President Bartlett said about the Romans in the West Wing, should be able to walk the earth "unmolested" with just one defense, "I am an American." 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Conservatives Guide to Defending Values

As the world watches a virtual civil-war unfold over the issue of abortion, I figured I would do my part to best "de-fuse" the situation. I'm not trying to shape your opinion to mine, or shape it into anything else, for that matter. I hope you'll see where I'm coming from and keep an open mind about everything you read, then shape what you believe. 

"Values voters" have always played an prominent role in elections. They shape how candidates act and what they talk about, and also can have a big impact on election day. Republicans often hinge their campaign on these voters coming to the polls. But what is a "values voter"? What motivates them to give their vote to a certain candidate? Often, the voter will find an evangelical Christian who makes it very known that he/she is pro-Bible, pro-life and against gay-marriage and stem cells. Often times, they would also be very much opposed to anything trying to remove the word "God" out of anything, and keeping the Ten Commandments everywhere. 

However, there is one negative part to this. The "values voter" is often uninformed and only follows the Bible for guidance. Now let's be clear, many voters are uninformed when they enter the polling place. I'm not just picking on values voters. I'll also point out that I, myself, are conservative on most "values issues." Where my problem comes in, is how conservatives often justify their views. 

Now, I'm as big a "Bible Fan" as you'll find. I read my Bible everyday and believe the Bible is God's Word. I'm a proud Southern Baptist and don't plan on changing that any time soon. However, as much as we would like to believe that every word in the Bible is the way we should live, we simply can't do it. Here's how I like to look at the Bible: "Anything Jesus said or did is fact and should be an example for us. Everything else is up for interpretation." One popular Christian argument for being  against homosexuality is the Bible calls homosexuality an "abomination". This, if you're not already familiar with it, is in Leviticus(20:13). What most Christians fail to realize after making this argument (aside from, sadly enough, the liberal you're arguing with may not care what's in the Bible at all), is that you only need to flip over a few pages to Leviticus 11 to justify death to all football players (Lev. 11:7-8- "touching the skin of a dead pig makes one unclean"), to justify slavery (Exodus 21:7) and even putting people to death for working on the Sabbath (Exodus 35:2). Although I believe the Bible gives many useful insights as to values issues, the Old Testament (which is often considered more of a "history" than a way to live) is not one of them. 

Instead, a conservative's way of being opposed to Gay-Marriage, if they even are opposed to it, should dive more into reasons that effects today's life than pulling out scripture verses, which can almost always be interpreted different ways. An example of this would be to point out that a child, which there is little disagreement among experts on this point, grows up better with one loving mother and one loving father. Of course there are many tragic families out there without the word "loving", in which case, sure, it would be better to have two loving fathers. However, there are just as many homosexual mothers and fathers who are poor parents as heterosexuals. It also a respectable view that you believe marriage is an institution, and changing it would open too many doors. Who says polygamist won't be next? I can tell you that these arguments will be more respected in debates than pulling out verses from Leviticus. 

While on the subject of homosexual marriage, I'd like to interject with a small defense of liberals. "Liberal" is often thrown around as a very negative term. I believe it is, for the most part, negative. However, let's not forget it's "liberals" that ended slavery in this country. It's "liberals" that got women to vote. I think in 30-40 years, we will look back at this point and see the persecution of homosexuals as akin to women and african americans and that the Bible was often pointed to as justification for these. As I said, I'm against homosexual marriage, but I'm strongly opposed to any "gay-bashing" and do not believe homosexuality is a sin. I simply believe homosexual marriage would open a whole new can of worms to be dealt with. If they want civil unions, I have no problem with it. Marriage, as I said, is an institution. 

Another popular values issues is abortion. We are seeing in the media the current friction between pro-lifers and pro-choice people with the murder of Dr. Tiller who was often called "Tiller the Baby Killer". However, I believe that both sides are seeing this for what it is. Murder is never a good thing, and never the solution to any problem, no matter how drastic (which is why I'm anti-capital punishment. Another argument for another day. Facebook me for more on that). I'm glad to see both sides condemn this tragedy. Yet, the debate on abortion presses on. Now, I'm a pretty fair minded person. I usually see the issue from both sides before making my choice. But this is one issue that I simply believe, there is no gray. This is an absolute wrong. What does the Bible say about it? One clear passage that almost all pro-lifers use for abortion is "even before you were in the womb, I knew you." This clearly shows that God says abortion is wrong. However, it's relatively easy for a smart liberal (they make those?) to poke holes in this argument. Here's a little devils advocate for you: "But the verse clearly says 'BEFORE you were in the womb.' Well what's that? That could easily mean the man's sperm. Does that mean birth control is wrong? Is it killing a (potential) baby every time a man produces sperm that doesn't fertilize a woman's egg?" (hey, I'm trying my best to keep this "PG" rated) So, conservatives are forced to find other avenue's of arguing. Try this one on for size. Every year in America, there's always high profile murders that make the front page of Fox News and CNN. Many times, these include the murders of babies, and sometimes, even unborn children. These stories always make me think 2 things: A) how awful it is and how that person better get the maximum jail sentence and B) how stupid our government is. Why B? Here's why. This is the first sentence from a local news story in Maryland: "[David Miller, who] is accused of killing his girlfriend is charged with her death and the death of her unborn child." There is another instance of a mother killing her own child by way of drinking poison, only to find she will be tried for the murder of child is the judge feels the child could have survived. What kind of messed up system is that? You are charged with the murder of unborn children, when any mother can just stroll down to a health clinic and have it done legally? This is should be the shouting point of every pro-life person in the world, not Biblical scripture. 

There are many more values issues that will continued to be debated. Conservatives, sadly enough, will continue to spout off ill-informed pieces of information, when their opinion is quite valid and many of their points correct. For example: We should have the Ten Commandments and prayer in schools and government buildings because our country was founded on Christian values. Values? Yes. Christian? No. Our country was founded on religious freedom, whether that be Christian, Quaker, Mormon, Mennonite or Muslim. The founders believed in religious freedom and believed that Church and State should be separated. In fact, most of the founders were Deists, which is far from Christian. I'm just pointing out that the founders weren't the Christian we think them to be. They no doubt believed in God, but that doesn't make them Christian.

Here's my personal view on it all: I'm a Christian and I believe in the Bible. I am not for FIGHTING for prayer in schools and the Ten Commandments in schools. Do you know why? They already are! Why do we have to take 10 minutes out of our kids education for a prayer that's likely to be phony anyway. I'd much rather have the group of Christian kids circle together in the lobby for real, heartfelt prayer. There is no law saying that I can't pray in school, so I did so. There was no law prohibiting me from posting the Ten Commandments in my locker. That's enough for me. The founders would have been adamantly opposed to anything that forced Christian Values on anybody, including a Christian prayer every morning. My view is Christians should stop raising heck over points like prayer in schools when we already have it. Instead, the resources fighting that should go to funding things like a magnetic Ten Commandments in lockers or setting up FCF (Fellowship of Christian Friends) in schools without one. This would be a much for valuable use of our time and focused, not on winning a partisan war, but getting things done. This type of action would be an example not only to the future of our Country, but our government now. If Washington adopted that attitude, we would live in a much more efficient America. 

I want to be very clear that I'm not opposed to the Bible shaping views. The Bible, for the most part, defines who I am and what I believe. If not the Bible, then no doubt my religious views. Jesus' words and actions help make me who I am. But I realize that the Bible is far too complex for even an evangelical like me to understand. I also understand that it's not meant to be taken literally and almost impossible to use as an arguing tool. I'm not trying to change values voters opinions, just the way they back up those opinions. I'm not tired of being the "values party", but am tired of the other party hitting us for being uninformed and closed minded. If you are a values voter yourself, I encourage you to look beyond just values and look into fiscal, foreign and domestic policy in a candidate. I believe the values voter who goes to the polls only to vote for values is messing up the electoral process. Voting for a candidate only because he is pro-abortion would be kind of foolish, considering Roe vs. Wade still hasn't been overturned, through multiple Republican Presidents. You need to vote for the man who will improve this country the most. I'm not saying that can't be a pro-life candidate, because it probably is. But look around for a good candidate, not one who's strong on just one issue. 

I hope values voters continue to care about values, if that makes sense. These are important issues we are faced with everyday that I would not want to be neglected. But America's largest problem maybe just being informed, which unfortunately includes values voters. If conservatives all of a sudden became the "informed party" and began to crush the liberal side in almost any debate, we would see a shift in power in the country faster than the republican to democratic one we saw in recent years. To make a long story short- read your Bible, pray for our country, but become educated on realms outside religion. Be a Bible expert AND a current events expert. It will go a long way, I promise you, in electing good conservative candidates and more importantly, getting things done. 

(Related Readings: What you should know about Politics...but don't [Conrad], The Faith of George W. Bush [Mansfield], The Moral Compass [Bennett].

Monday, June 1, 2009

Joke of the Day

Ok, so I don't have a Joke of the Day, but I do today. Read this this morning and really enjoyed it. Maybe it's old news, maybe you've heard it, but I don't care. It's funny. 

The Joke: 

So it's a bright sunny day in Washington DC so Mike Huckabee, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama decide to take a stroll along the Potomac. 

Mike Huckabee notices a homeless man, so he walks up to him, takes 20 dollars out of his pocket and hands it to the homeless man. He then proceeds to give him his business card and says "You come by my office any time and we'll have a job waiting for you." The man is grateful.

Then "Fancy Nancy" Pelosi comes along. She notices the homeless man and walks over to him. She takes 20 dollars out of Mike Huckabee's pocket, keeps 15 dollars for herself for fees and gives the homeless man the 5 dollars she has left. 

The Barack Obama walks up to the Homeless man and looks him straight in the eye and, with charisma, says "It's going to be OK! Change and Hope are coming soon!" Then walks off and does nothing. 

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Conservatism dead? I think not

It's come to my attention that "conservatism" is dead. The Liberal Media, also known as "The Media minus Fox News", has led the charge to buy a nice casket, set visitation and funeral times and put the GOP away. Headlining the obituary: "The GOP has died because they are too conservative and unable to change with the times. The GOP also suffered from lack of leadership." According to just about everything you and I will read or hear on a daily basis will cover either the dominance of the democrats or the death of conservatism. 

Ironically, it is the MEDIA that proves to me that conservatism not only has a pulse, but is running around all over the place and gearing up for a battle in 2012. According to the recent Nielsen Ratings, Fox News flexes its muscles. For Sunday, May 24th, Fox News cleaned up house by taking 719 total viewers compared to CNN at 389 and MSNBC at 344. During prime-time it was more of the same with Fox News at 1019, CNN at 515 and MSNBC at 427. 

This means, of course (for all who've had elementary school math), that not only did Fox News destroy the other stations, but beat the other major 2 COMBINED. Yet conservatism is dead? But there's even better news. Huckabee was by far the most popular show on, and joined Fox News Sunday and Geraldo as the only ones reaching 1,000 viewers. Here's a little chart for you: 

Total Viewers: (L +SD)

Total day: FNC: 719 | CNN: 389 | MSNBC: 344 | HLN: 259 

Prime: FNC: 1019 | CNN: 515 | MSNBC: 427 | HLN: 376

That's not just in the South folks--that's all over America. Oddly enough, the media itself is showing us that the media is wrong in saying conservatism is dead. (I know...almost as confusing as Joe Biden) 

Next, do we lack leadership? Honestly, yes, we probably do. There is no glaring leader for the GOP, as Steele is the only one in that position and he's not grasping that role. The leader of the 2012 Republican polls right now, Mike Huckabee, is more in a position of movie star than GOP leader. 

That being said, would I change the fact that we don't have a clear cut leader? No. Though we don't have one big guy at the top, the GOP has plenty of able politicians all over the place willing to stand up and fight for conservative values. As long as a leader emerges by 2012, there's really no rush. Until that time, I will continue to back the Party and not just one particular person. 

The Republicans have some very strong candidates for 2012, including Mike Huckabee, who is becoming extremely popular through his Fox News TV Show and his Radio Program. 

Don't look now, but I think the GOP is rising from the grave.